The “Unity” hypocrisy

Joe Biden has announced that during his presidency we’ll achieve “unity” across America. (You know, during the 6 months of Joe’s Presidency before the Democrats cancel him for being old and moderate). Either this is an outrageous talking point, or our friend Mr. Biden has been curled up in his basement for the past four years. Suddenly the Democrats are going to reach across the nation with an olive branch and accept ideologies, beliefs and values different from their own?

I don’t think so. For one thing, I don’t think the Democratic party, having now shifted its Overton window to somewhere between Bernie Sanders and Mao Tse Tung, is even capable of accepting the expression of ideas with which they disagree. For another, I have no doubt (nor do I object) that conservative Republicans in this country are not ready to let bygones be bygones after YEARS of hostility and abuse; slander aimed NOT just at our President, elected officials, or the media, but at us, personally. There are only so many times we can be belittled, chastised, insulted, stalked, doxxed, “fact checked” or completely silenced/banned on social media for expressing the wrong perspectives or suggestions… only so many times we can be ostracized from our social and professional circles… only so many times we can stand to have our very character assaulted by the people closest to us – or worse, to be “canceled” or disowned by our friends and families (for being so bold as to support our President and love our country).

What the Democratic party never understood – in all their years of pandering within their carefully constructed identity silos – is that diversity of thought is, in fact, diversity. They don’t even acknowledge the true meaning of the word “diversity”. I will share the Merriam-Webster definition so as not to editorialize:

DIVERSITY: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements; variety
especially the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization.

“Composed of differing elements”. That means a diverse society is one in which people of different races, identities, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, favorite colors, etc… are all *included* in the same society. And treated as equals.

Do you know what does not constitute diversity?… What might, in fact, be considered the *opposite* of diversity? Schools which only accept one or two races of students; clubs and organizations that only accept one or several sexual orientations and gender identities; admissions and hiring procedures steeped in preference for minority applicants; presidential candidates that promise to select their VP and Cabinet members based on race and gender. Also… a country of politicians, media, celebrity elites and their followers who subjugate people who do not share all of the popular legislative and sociopolitical beliefs. Elites who cast out their own members daring to question any part of the accepted ideological “truths” of the day. Cancellation of people who make the wrong jokes, use the wrong terms or pronouns, or have done or said anything in their lifetimes that could be construed as insensitive by today’s standards.

We are being ruled by a cadre of social engineers who are developing a society of fear, anger and an extremely inflated sense of self-importance. And half the country – indeed, most of the more ‘highly educated’ and affluent half – are falling for this drivel hook, line and sinker. In addition to the liberal takeover of our public school system, why is this happening?… Well, that’s for a later blog.

To get back to the subject matter, let’s talk about unity. What exactly is Joe asking us to do here? He wants to bring us together, to “heal”. Well that’s an admirable goal. But he is standing in front of two huge projection screens cycling between statements like, “The People Have Chosen Science”, “The People Have Chosen Empathy”, “The People Have Chosen Unity”. What people? I guess he means the people who voted for him. After all, this is a celebration of his ‘win’. And these aren’t statements about his platform, like “we’re going to focus on climate change”, or “we’re going to improve health care”. No. These are very clear condemnations of President Trump and his administration. The not-so-subtle innuendo is that the current administration has no empathy, is divisive, and does not understand/appreciate ‘science’.

So what does that say about the 71 million people who voted for four more years of President Trump? Are we supposed to feel all warm and tingly inside and expect a Biden administration to understand our views, and to reach across the aisle in brotherhood with Republicans and conservatives? What’s the game plan here? It seems to me that Biden and Harris have the support of the following groups:

  • Moderate Democrats
  • Certainly the anti-Trumpers (who would have just as soon voted for that Tiger King guy)
  • Possibly the progressives and disgruntled Bernie-bros
  • People who were otherwise on the fence and not really into politics (but voted because Facebook and TV guilted them into it) – and ultimately based their votes on insights from The View and Jimmy Kimmel.

That’s his audience.

So just after Kamala (who makes Hillary Clinton look like Miss Congeniality) finishes her cackling victory lap, Joe takes the stage to crow about respecting people on all sides. I wonder if Biden actually gets that nasty taste in his mouth when he says he’s going to be the President for everyone, “because we are all Americans”. Does he really want to play that card? Isn’t the Democrat party still hailing America as extremely deficient compared with Canada and Europe – something to be ashamed of? Did I miss a memo? There are patriotic Americans and then there are those who burn the flag, spit on police officers and plan to reallocate military spending to welfare programs for illegal immigrants.

He did eventually mention respect and understanding, didn’t he? I had to turn it off after he lobbied the crowd to embrace us misguided deplorables. (No wait, that was Hillary’s word. What did Joe call us during his campaign rallies? That’s right… “chumps”. Trump’s chumps… How unifying.)

There are a number of articles out there suggesting Facebook should be SUED for not banning enough conservative groups – excuse me… “sources of misinformation” – on its site, which could have potentially interfered with the election process. That’s right; the Democrats believe social media is being unfair. To Democrats. *Hard swallow*. (Remember when Kathy what’s-her-name held up a blood-dripping model of the severed head of President Trump on Twitter? They called that “art” and nobody sued Twitter…) What would be the cause for litigation? I have not heard any conservative pundit suggest we sue Facebook, Twitter, television, movies, sports events, retail outlets and advertisements for interfering in the election for Democrats, which has clearly been happening. It’s their right to support, and elicit support, for their leaders.

Now, I want you to know I read ALL of these articles, because I’m a glutton for punishment. And I strongly encourage people not to just read the headline, or the summarized fact check. Many people don’t have the time to read more than that, however, and the media bets on that. So, the takeaway from the headline of this op-ed is that Republicans are spreading falsehoods. The first three quarters of the article berate the social media giant for being negligent – by allowing content that may not have been factually accurate just before the election. But if you read the whole diatribe, all the way down to the last couple of paragraphs, the author eventually describes said “misinformation”, which amounts to a rebuke of the Biden family business dealings and discussions about possible voter fraud in swing states.

In my day, we referred to such conversations, for which there was (albeit controversial) evidence on both sides, as political discourse. Of course, that was before the lovely age of cancel culture in which we now find ourselves.

What makes this whole “Unity” speech even more absurd is that the liberal politicians and pundits were simultaneously out for blood on the internet. In their latest example of mainstream American fascism, Democrat politicians and pundits want to make LISTS. You know, McCarthy-style blacklists of people who either publicly or financially backed the current President or his administration. It’s called the “Trump Accountability Project”. Per the founder, “The Trump Accountability Project will be a permanent record of every staffer, appointee, donor, endorser and enabler.”

Because people in our Democratic Republic should be ‘held accountable’ for supporting unfavored people and ideas.

Further, there are some prominent Democrats who would like to see Trump supporters subject to “re-education”. Yeah, you heard that right. And a Washington Post (*obligatory groan*) columnist went so far as to write of those supporting vote recounts, “Any [Republican] now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society. We have a list.”

I don’t remember anyone making lists of Obama supporters when Trump was elected. Do you recall shunning Gore supporters from ‘polite society’ after they demanded a recount in 2000? Me neither.

So thanks, but no thanks. I reject the Democrats’ call for unity, until they spend a good long time showing me they mean it. I’ll unify with my friends and family who voted Biden, because I respect their differences, even if they didn’t respect mine. There’s no need for animosity on a personal level. But as for these self-righteous, phony politicians? You can’t spend four years whipping up your supporters into a vitriolic fury, throw an unprecedented amount of taxpayer money into pointless investigations and smear campaigns, constantly slander and abuse your political adversaries – and everyone who agrees with them, top it off with a presidential run predicated entirely on fear and hate… and then call for a time of ‘healing’.

That’s not how it works, Joe.

  • Erin
  • Erin is a rebounding social media junkie. Despite her New England upbringing (and to the dismay of her liberal friends), she's a moderately conservative Republican. Her interests include psychology, philosophy, politics, debate, aviation and human engineering. Her guilty obsessions center around 1970s-1990s pop culture and online shopping. Having lived in 7 states and worked in 3 countries, she's currently domiciled in Florida with her husband and two teenagers, dodging hurricanes and sipping margaritas.


  • If I had to teach unity to a 1st grade class this is how I would teach it: Now class I would like you to hold your hands out, and as far apart as you can, now slowly bring your hands together, until they touch in front of your body. Now clasp your hands, this is how unity works.
    Then I would teach Biden’s idea of unity. Now class, I would like you to hold your hands out, and as far apart as you can. Now don’t move one of your hands. That hand represents Joe Biden. Now bring the other hand to the hand that you are not moving. That’s Biden’s idea of unity!!!

  • Maybe – maybe not. In his far-too-long tenure in the Senate, Biden had the reputation of reaching across the aisle; in fact, he was great personal friends with at least two Republican Senators that I know of – McCain (AZ) and Bennett (UT). He comes from a time when “compromise” wasn’t a dirty word. For him to call for unity as he claims victory after a hotly-contested election that was filled with vitriol and overt hatred is neither unexpected, unwarranted, or unwelcome. Had he won, I would hope that Trump would have done something similar – but I know otherwise.

    I look at the whole “unity” thing this way. This country is fractured, and if we’re going to survive as a nation, we need a level of forgiveness for the majority of American voters, the ones who clearly agonized over their vote, who had to hold their noses to vote for the candidate they thought marginally better than the other. They did the best they could in a lousy situation and deserve that consideration. The rioters, the hard-core leftists or the extreme right-wing, not so much…

    And it’s the new VP we need to keep our eye on…

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