You Won’t Remember This

I wholly support the media’s first amendment rights, but the inevitable violence and destruction will be socially engineered over the next four years, for various reasons, the most concerning of which being that political powers own the deliverers of the messaging. This is not simply a first amendment issue. Government control over the public domain is dependent on censorship, which violates the first amendment rights of others, including the educators, entertainers and journalists who will be rejected from their fields.
Last night a comedian on the Golden Globe Awards joked that the entertainers in the room, the ones who were nominated for awards, were powerful enough “…to do anything. Except tell people who to vote for. You’ll get them next time.” You, the people, were watching this and finding it funny that the people who don’t think like you should have been instructed for which political party to support by popular entertainers; did you notice those powerful people were the only ones in the room? 100% of them were laughing. Not one of those people realized (or seemed to realize) there should have been dissenters there, too. And they were 100% convinced their industry has not been corrupted.
Like-minded educators are the only ones in the schools, and they are 100% convinced it’s because their subjective messaging is the “smart” messaging; it’s what’s good for us. It’s so important for their politicians to cultivate the next generation that indoctrination of children and young adults has become acceptable. The “smart” journalists are the only ones writing and telling the mainstream stories. But yes – there is a mainstream outlet, Fox News, that has been specifically designed to entertain the “ignorant” and it is carefully scripted to embolden one faction of society and enhance the counter-messaging. The mainstream, majority, “intelligent” populous will again resort to violence – and support violence (even murder) – in the name of … “resistance”?
Government-driven social engineering is wrong, and regardless of who wins the Presidency it will continue, because it is too powerful to stop. Only a small, quiet minority of Americans see the writing on the wall, and even the most formally moderate of these are now considered “conspiracy theorists”. Violence, destruction, murder – these things will always be wrong, no matter how commonplace and socially acceptable it becomes, no matter how deeply it is ingrained in you that it is necessary for the public good. We don’t want another holocaust. You should never want that; your children should never support that, no matter how evil you come to think your political rivals may be. Someone has to be held accountable for this, and soon. The problem is, it’s probably too late for the US the way we know it.