On 2020 identity politics, and Black Lives Matter

Since the election of 2016, the Deep State has been more real for me. I’d seen 8 years of media fawning over a President who was ineffective at best. Clinton wasn’t a surprise; she’d been groomed since… well, since the Clinton administration. The 1990s seemed a long, sad way off – and the Democrat party had evolved over time to serve a more avaricious cause with an army of polished figure heads like Hillary all prepped and ready to go. The identity politicking machine was in full force in 2016, projecting the first female President would naturally follow the first Black President – because why the hell not? It makes everybody feel good. It puts a pretty face on any number of nefarious purposes which must not be questioned under the mass media’s protection of minority politicians.

The interesting side effect of forcefully diversifying the ruling class is that the Republicans now have a growing number of women and minorities who should be rightfully untouchable by the media, per Democrat decree. This inconvenient reality makes it harder for the Democrat political and media machine to remain the perfect bastions of righteousness in the eyes of their base – as the double-standards are applied to protect only one side. Black Republicans are Uncle Toms. Gay Republicans are traitors. Female Republicans are the tragic result of male oppression; per Hillary, our husbands and sons must be telling us how to vote. Sounds vaguely akin to “If you don’t vote Joe Biden, you ain’t black”…

Is the Democrat party losing its stronghold over immutable characteristics? The pandering seems to be less and less effective as time goes on. I’ll post another blog on this topic… But as a case in point, four years of baseless accusations of racism against the President have not yielded the desired electoral result. Going into the 2020 election, Trump was polling about 10 percentage points higher with African Americans than he did in 2016, and 14 percentage points higher with Hispanics. This has got to bring pause to the next generation of social justice warriors with political aspirations.

God-willing, future elections – and indeed future job interviews – will be decided primarily by experience and aptitude – as opposed to the ethnicity, orientation and appearance of the candidate.

In my view, 2020 has been the worst year for race relations in the US in a long time. In no other recent year could a statement as asinine as “Defund the Police” become a mainstream mantra. Sure there were one off officer-involved events that sparked outrage over the past 12 years, particularly while Obama was president. (Of course, then, Obama was president… and the people who inspired the rioting in the streets – Black Lives Matter – were invited to the White House in a characteristic a show of “unity”.) In fact it’s a great testament to the brainwashing power of the media that the majority of the public still believe Michael Brown is one of the most obvious examples of systemic racism leading to a black man’s death. (In case you are one of those people, see here.)

But what brought those flames fanned under Obama to a roaring fire under Trump? The media will tell you it was Trump’s “racist” nature and his supporters also being “racist”. Of course there was nothing to back up this hefty accusation – other than knowing white supremacists were historically anti-government and so by definition alt-right, themselves. Hardly the fault of every Republican president, but what else should we expect from the media during the Trump presidency? This was a natural escalation of the racism narrative that has pervaded the media since they attacked Trump’s common sense border control measures.

The Democrat powers-that-be desperately wanted (needed) to win this election, and all their standby outrages were wearing thin when coronavirus hit. I hate to say a worldwide pandemic was welcomed with open arms by our American media … but clearly, it was. Never let a tragedy go to waste. The 2020 propaganda machine was running full tilt, and there is a suffocating level of hypocrisy with which the accusations flew. Democrats decried the ban on travel from China and other countries as an overreach of power… but when the pandemic got worse, decided the President acted too late. Democrat governors accused Trump of not sending enough supplies to the states; meanwhile supplies sat unused in warehouses, creating a surplus. The governors warned about abuse of power – while complaining their failure to act was a failure of the Trump administration to advise them. Democrat politicians insisted Trump is unilaterally guilty of causing nationwide coronavirus deaths – as they artificially boosted the numbers by including “related” deaths. Then they ridiculed Trump for making vague references to possible cures – as they lamented that he was ignoring the situation. They went out and partied on beaches – then complained when people peacefully protested to reopen the economy. I could go on, but you get my drift.

Then in May, to the great dismay of Democrat politicians, the curve was just starting to flatten. Stay-at-home orders had been effectively mitigating the spread of the virus. There was a possibility the economy could rebound to where it was in February. Panic ensued…

After all, coronavirus was their bread and butter. They can’t allow prosperity in an election year – not with a completely inept, potentially senile presidential candidate. Women are accusing Biden of sexual harrassment, and the party of hypocrisy can no longer employ the “believe all women” mantra. Many leftists are heartbroken that we won’t be fundamentally changing our government to a socialist system; so the Bernie Bros might sit out in November! Mail-in voting, illegal immigrant voting and ballot harvesting can only do so much. That false sense of security from polling won’t encourage people like it did in 2016. They need something big, and fast, to galvanize the party and get voters really riled up. A school shooting; a North Korean military strike; a market crash; increased gas prices; a Twitter war – anything! Maybe they can float the idea that Trump is homophobic during Pride month?… Nope, that one has been used too many times. Kids in cages? Oh right, that one fizzled when everyone realized they were Saint Obama cages. Could they bus another horde of hapless immigrants up from Central America and put women and children in danger for some clever photo ops? Nah… I think that went a little far, even for George Soros.

Then, suddenly, something amazing happens. A video surfaces of a black man being murdered by a police officer in broad daylight, with four other cops looking on. It’s like Christmas. We all know how a single event can drive people mad in this country. Even if it’s a high school kid with a smirk on his face. Now THIS is going to get them some traction.

Couldn’t have happened at a better time, as Obama administration officials are being sequestered for what appears to be (ironically) an unprecedented abuse of power with regard to the FBI and Michael Flynn. Michael who??

The video and subsequently organized media hype goes colossally viral, and an enormous group of angry, stir-crazed SJWs, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and Colin Kaepernick fans rises up like a phoenix from the ashes. Now kids, George Floyd is way more important than dozens of black-on-black murders every week in Detroit and Chicago; way more important than all the MS13 and other gang murders taking place all of the country in creatively horrifc ways. This is RACISM. (No evidence the dumb cop’s motive was racism, but that’s not important.) Screw the masks and social distancing, THIS protest is more important than that quiet, reserved Republican attempt at picketing to get people back to work. THESE “protesters” will incorporate violence, looting, destruction of property and arson, with absolutely no message other than “systemic racism in law enforcement”. Although the numbers do not support this narrative, as previously mentioned, facts don’t matter. (Although the Democrats own 90% of the media, fake news only flies in one direction.) It’ll be spectacular. Police officers and small business owners will be shot and stabbed in an equal opportunity fashion. And the blame will rest squarely on the shoulders of the self-proclaimed “law and order” president, Donald Trump.

Like the Guatemalan exodus, I don’t think the Democrats envisioned this one getting away from them. I don’t think they were prepared for just how insane leftists can be when they think they are making history. Did they forget about 2016? The interesting thing about these times is that we have a number of generations in the mix with very unique overarching characteristics. When Hillary lost the election, the liberals of my generation got ticked off. We’re the generation of obnoxious stubbornness. When you add the typical liberal elements of narcissism and sanctimony to the mix, Gen X’ers can be a real menace. Then there were the Baby Boomers. Some voted for Hillary, but all of them pretty much grumbled and got over it. Didn’t see many women in their 60s and 70s with pink hats on, screaming at the sky. They had been through the protests when they were kids, and they are actually aware that the civil rights war for women and minorities has been won. There’s nothing to really scream about anymore, other than taxes, jobs and foreign affairs. Which brings us to millenials. Those loveable, sensitive do-gooders who’ve never been taught how to lose anything (certainly not with dignity). The generation of “Look at me! I’m special!” The liberals of this generation lost their ever-loving minds, and have yet to recover; they’ve been in a downward spiral for years, screaming (literally screaming) at anyone who will listen… Things have only gotten crazier for these guys.

Millenials have the distinction of being the only generation to call for diversity and inclusion, while imposing a “cancel culture” wherein anyone who disagrees or triggers them must pay dearly. Boycotting. Threats. Hollywood blacklisting. Whitewashing of history. Media attacks. Doxxing. And then there are the classier acts of spitting in people’s faces, urinating in beverages and defecating on the street. The crowd goes wild. What was that about people who don’t know history being doomed to repeat it? (I bet these kiddos didn’t take history class because violence is offensive and their moms wrote them a note…)

So here we go. The Gorge Floyd Rebellion. Defund the police! We mean, totally abolish them. We’ll replace them with counseling and community watch groups. Oh, and we’ll release all prisoners who aren’t on death row… We’ll govern with peace and love.
*About 24 hours later*
That’s not, uh, what we meant. We meant to say take away *some* funding from the police.

All cops are terrible and should not be portrayed any differently. We should delegitimize them completely. Surely, demonizing the entire profession will make people want to work with us and fight against their own “systemically racist” system. After all, we own the media, and that means we own corporations who can’t afford to lose business. We will boycott any business that doesn’t actively, vocally support our cause. We own Hollywood, and we are canceling ALL the TV cop shows. And Gone with the Wind.

And make sure to cancel the little cartoon police dog in “Paw Patrol”! I mean, that puppy’s got power-crazed racist written all over him.

So for the people advocating for hanging on to law enforcement in a diminished capacity with huge reforms, but making it clear to children and society at large that the police are to be hated because they are all horrible people, I have a question. Who do you think is going to want/keep this job? How badly do you think they will want to protect you? Are you OK with your lost child in the park running to a complete stranger for help, because she has been taught to be scared of police officers?

The “conversation” we are having about racism is ridiculous. I challenge anyone to debate me on this. I’ve read all the angles: police are more likely to pull over black drivers, and to arrest black people? Well, yes. You see there is a correlation between areas of high crime and a large condensed population of black people. The demographics differ wildly between Manhattan and Owego, New York. You’re a little more likely to get arrested or questioned or pulled over in Manhattan. Police are more likely to shoot and kill unarmed black people? Well, no. How are you calculating your statistics? People love to cite statistics who don’t really understand that they are only accurate at giving us the information we want if we use the right measures and control for certain variables. So, for example, if you are arguing that more unarmed black people were shot by police than white people in 2019, you’re actually wrong (9 versus 19). If your Washington Post article points out that you can control for blacks comprising 13% of the population, which makes the percentage of black Americans shot by police far higher than the percentage of white Americans, you’d be right. But if you then take those measures and factor in the population of blacks versus whites in high-crime areas, AND the percentage of the black population who actually commit crimes overall, AND the percentage of the black criminal population who are repeat offenders… you see where this is going? (Same applies wrt the “wage gap”, but I won’t go there.) Then of course there are the anecdotes in which prominent black citizens tell us horror stories about how a police officer singled them out or pulled them over for nothing. Can you guess why anecdotes are even worse than bad statistics for pushing a bogus narrative? It’s only a handful of stories specifically told to make a point, like that of our friend George Floyd.

And then CHAZ (the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) “occupied” Seattle. *Sigh.* It would be funny if it wasn’t reality. It would make a great movie… Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies and The Purge, all rolled into one. How did the leftist media spin this one? Oh, I see. It was a peaceful vegan paradise. Sure.

Within a day, the anarchical regime was running the occupied territory, BUILT A WALL, instituted “STOP AND FRISK”, begged for more food after theirs was stolen (no police, remember?) and called in the fire department to put out their dumpster fires. But once again, Trump was the bad guy for suggesting we send in the National Guard… And the best part was their list of “demands” (in addition to unlimited soy lattes). Ready? This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are the highlights:

1. Abolition (NOT reform) of the police department and the attached court system. And, of course, ICE.
2. Reparations for victims of “police brutality”, in a form to be determined.
3. A retrial of all black people serving a prison sentence for violent crime. (Just black people)
4. Immediate release of any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense.
5. Immediate release of any prisoner currently serving time for resisting arrest.
6. Abolition of imprisonment “generally speaking, but especially the abolition of both youth prisons and privately-owned, for-profit prisons”.
7. Free college for everyone.
8. Black doctors and nurses specifically to care for black patients. (Yes, you read that right. White care providers can’t touch black people.)
9. Seattle “seeks out and proudly supports” black-owned businesses. (No mention of how this is accomplished; I’m assuming some quotas or higher taxes for white-owned businesses.)
10. The history of black and native Americans given a significantly greater focus in the state education curriculum.
11. “Anti-bias” training as a legal requirement for all jobs in education, medical fields and mass media.
12. Removal of any and all monuments dedicated to historical figures of the confederacy.

So, basically let criminals run wild and re-institute segregation and racist laws as a matter of “reparation”.

Of course, CHAZ went the way of all such ridiculousness in polite society. But was it a sign of things to come? More later.

  • Erin
  • Erin is a rebounding social media junkie. Despite her New England upbringing (and to the dismay of her liberal friends), she's a moderately conservative Republican. Her interests include psychology, philosophy, politics, debate, aviation and human engineering. Her guilty obsessions center around 1970s-1990s pop culture and online shopping. Having lived in 7 states and worked in 3 countries, she's currently domiciled in Florida with her husband and two teenagers, dodging hurricanes and sipping margaritas.

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