Election week (month?) continues…

The Deep State is no longer just a fantasy of the tin-foil hat wearing crowd. But the general public is easily manipulated, and a good example is the current election. The media is already back to scripting bigotry as Trump’s reason for “suppressing the vote” (read: questioning the validity of the count), and from what I’ve seen, their captive Trump-despising audiences are lapping it up. The very salient jump in the number of votes for Joe Biden in the wee hours of Wednesday morning is being explained away as a “dump of mail-in ballots”, which were of course “expected” to favor Biden. Expected – as in, the reliable polls said so… and even if Biden did receive an overwhelming majority of the new votes, it would still be a majority. Handing him 100% of 138,000 total votes in the drop – putting ethics aside – was an absurd move. Let’s just say it’s a statistical improbability and leave it at that. If I was scripting this explanation for the major networks, I’d say the vote counters only reported their Biden piles at that hour, and later included the small boost for Trump in the next report. (The fact that they have not implemented this rhetorical damage control makes me question its legal implications.)

Of course, we’re still counting. My prediction is that a small Biden blue wave is being manufactured as a pre-emptive strike against an investigation into the reality of our once-Democratic process.

We shall see…

Update: It appears the media have identified a fact-check on the vote drop story after all.

It was a typo. The vote counter added an extra zero at the end of the 15k votes for Biden. Oops.

It’s totally outlandish and irresponsible for Trump’s campaign to file a lawsuit though. Election meddling is only a thing when it benefits Republicans. Right Hillary?

  • Erin
  • Erin is a rebounding social media junkie. Despite her New England upbringing (and to the dismay of her liberal friends), she's a moderately conservative Republican. Her interests include psychology, philosophy, politics, debate, aviation and human engineering. Her guilty obsessions center around 1970s-1990s pop culture and online shopping. Having lived in 7 states and worked in 3 countries, she's currently domiciled in Florida with her husband and two teenagers, dodging hurricanes and sipping margaritas.

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