This is tangentially related to my last post but technically it’s a new subject. Another terrific example of leftist hypocrisy… When the same people w…
I don’t know why I keep trying to convince people to use their brains in the age of media domination and hashtags. We elected a President who was simp…
Today the Twitterverse is blowing up with that statement. “Nobody needs an AR-15.” Well, forgive me for saying so, but it sure as Hell looks to me lik…
I could have called this “Governmental Bass-ackwardness” or “Why I'll Never Be A Democrat” (as redundant as that may be), but those titles cover way t…
Uncle John inspired this one. His post drove me to an overly ranty comment, which evolved to a post. And I was due for a post... So thanks, Uncle John…
I've had this essay drafted for several months, now, but I've hesitated to finish and post it because I know that if I'm not careful the points that n…
Yesterday, the day after the Senate did exactly what everybody expected them to do, I opened up Facebook to find two adjacent entries on my feed, one …
This “Part 2” isn't turning out the way I planned... As a casual student of history, I'm finding the shifting allegiances and undercurrents (and sheer…
Recent events have taken their toll. I know I've not been immune to their effects; I've got two or three very angry essays written over the past few w…
So according to our new illustrious President, there’s absolutely nothing he can do to slow the spread of the virus over the next few months until all…