The “World Police”
This is tangentially related to my last post but technically it’s a new subject. Another terrific example of leftist hypocrisy… When the same people who use the subject term ALSO bill themselves as pro-refugee and open border supporters. As I’ve said before, some people have no tolerance for moral ambiguities…
Someone posed this question recently on a political social media group – essentially he asked: Should the US should be responsible to solve all the world’s ills and take in all those who suffer?
To me this is the kind of issue that’s worth debating- more so than the identity politics that consume a ridiculous portion of our collective consciousness in modern America.
It is a legit question and a difficult one. I believe it is a subjective assessment regarding which scenarios should elicit military action, acceptance of refugees, or economic support from the US. I’m not an isolationist but I don’t consider myself a “war hawk”, either. It makes sense for this kind of issue to be discussed and debated whenever a new humanitarian event presents itself. The extent of the violence or oppression should be a factor. For example in Central America, the conditions are terrible but that is because the government is not effectively combating crime. It’s not like government oppression or genocide. We can debate whether or not it makes sense to provide aid and resources to the governments to improve conditions, but it doesn’t make sense to open our southern border to illegal aliens just because they identify as “refugees”.
In contrast, we royally screwed up in Afghanistan and as a result people who trusted us are being shot in the street. The Taliban is going door-to-door kidnapping girls as young as 12 years old. We OWED them a strategic resolution and now we OWE them shelter from this fallout. That is just my opinion. To me this is an issue that should be prioritized over our first world “systemic issues”…
People are being butchered. Priorities.
But yes, his question is a very good one, and should be addressed immediately when these events occur. I do believe we are still the big kid on the playground and should have a moral urgency as such to protect the weak. It’s a very complicated issue- and leftists don’t like to complicate issues they perceive as binary. Just as long as they appear to be the good guys!! Pragmatism over narcissism; that’s why I lean conservative.